The Joneses make a big deal out of being 'different'. 爱攀比的邻居们很是把“与众不同”当回事。
The Chinese PC giant, for one, has made a big deal out of this particular laptop. 来自中国的PC巨头联想集团在这款笔记本上煞费苦心。
When Michael finished telling the story, he looked around the room and saw his former classmates smiling at him. Several thanked him and said they got a good deal out of the story. 迈克尔讲完他的故事以后,环顾四周,发现他的老同学们都在微笑着倾听,有几个人站起身来向他表示感谢,说他们从故事中得到了很多启发。
Every time I forgot to take my shoes off, she got really mad and made a big deal out of it. 每次我进门忘了脱鞋,她就特生气,唠叨半天。
I am probably making a big deal out of nothing, but my feelings are really hurt. 也许我有点小题大做,但我真的觉得很受伤。
France successfully dem 173; anded an exemption from EU sanctions for the deal out of concern for shipyard jobs and the potential damage to its reputation as a reliable defence contractor. 由于担心造船厂工人失去工作以及取消合同会损害法国作为可靠的防务承包商的声誉,法国成功地从欧盟的制裁中获得了与俄罗斯进行这次交易的豁免权。
While many like Chen regret their excessive spending, some are making a big deal out of how little they spent. 当许多人同陈思一样为自己的过度消费而后悔不已时,也有人因为花钱少而收到网友追捧。
I made such a big deal out of nothing. 都是我无中生事。
You always make such a big deal out of thanksgiving? 你总是为感恩节这样大费周张吗?
My parents use to make such a big deal out of it. 我父母总是很看重这个。
Make a big deal out of the good and little stuff that we want consistently. 对那些我们希望不断出现的小的好事要大加吹捧。
It's a one-shot deal out of the country. 那是唯一离开这个国家的机会。
I'm planning to get a book deal out of this. 我还想借此出一本书。
It's nothing to be surprised about. Don't make such a big deal out of it. 这事不值得大惊小怪,不要小题大做。
One could be a big tank that does decent damage, where the other might deal out huge damage, but not be as much of a tank. 一个可以成为大坦克只输出一定的伤害,另一个可以输出巨大的伤害&当然不会和真正的坦克造成的伤害一样大(这里的坦克怀疑是指游戏里设定的坦克)。
Something is a little too commerical about these web sites to think you are getting the best deal out there. 东西是有点太商业对这些网站认为你得到最佳的处理有问题。
Made a big deal out of getting there on time; losing one penny was no big deal. 如果不能按时到达事情就大了;丢一便士不是什么大事。
Like those earlier deals, this is about the financially strong squeezing a smart deal out of the weak. 正如早先那些交易一样,这是有钱的强者与弱者达成的划算交易。
He made a great deal out of some technical agreements with the Hong Kong authorities to investigate clearing and settlement systems, and to develop new products denominated in Renminbi. 他拿一些与香港官方达成的技术性协议大做文章,这些协议包括调研各种清算和结算系统,以及开发人民币计价的新产品。
When it came time to deal out justice, however, Nick was the most popular and sought-after executioner on Dandrak. 不过当时机来临,正义需要得到伸张的时候,尼克却是人们首先要找的刽子手,在Dandrak上他算是最得人心的了。
Don't make such a big deal out of it, please. 请别对此事小题大做。
How come the law can be deal out? 法律怎么能跟做买卖比?
Deal out five hands of six cards each. 请发六张一手的五手牌。
He has had a lousy deal out of life. 他命途多舛、生活坎坷。
Daniel: Come on, you are making too big deal out of this. 丹尼尔:你说得也太夸大其辞了吧。
Not surprisingly, Chinese Major-General Peng Guangqian said the US was making too big a deal out of the test. 所以,人们对中国少将彭刚乾所说的“美国过分关注这件事情”就不感到奇怪了。
The work just took a great deal out of me! 这工作真使我疲惫不堪!
I mean, I didn't want to make a big deal out of this, you know. 我的意思是,我不想把这事搞得很严重似的。
You're making a big deal out of nothing, michael. 你根本是小题大作嘛,迈可。
It is the duty of a judge to deal out justice. 公正执法是法官的职责。